Hello, my name is Vivian Aubin. When we look back at our lives often we can find a common thread that connects to all that we do in our personal, family, professional and workplace environment. One word that connects it all for me is nursing. Since as long as I can remember growing up, I wanted to be a nurse. When I started on my career in nursing ---I noticed that everything had changed from the cup half empty to the cup half full. I was where I was meant to me—my purpose. I did not learn for many years that some people do not know where they need to be—“what they want to be when they grow up.” I feel very grateful that I did know and even when I was totally bedridden from an accident --- years later –I again did a nursing refresher—reaffirming definitely this is the path for me. I invite you to get to know yourself and be where you need to be.! |