The following readings are not in any way intended to substitute medical advise from your healthcare professionals. All information expressed is only suggestions toward your well-being whether that be spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. In paying for a reading prior to appointment being scheduled, ascertains that you understand this point and do not hold Vivian Aubin responsible for any actions that you may undertake. In any country, that allows readings to be for entertainment purposes only, may this stand as this acknowledgement.
Psychic reading This reading gives you an opportunity to check in on your life. A barometer so to speak of what's happening around you in relation to your past, present and future. Can offer insights on all different aspects of your life--relationships, health, work, and more. Please know that energy is continually shifting and ironically once you are read this awareness alone can shift and change your future that was just revealed to you. With that in mind a psychic reading can validate what you have felt, known and experienced in your past. Can actually bring better awareness of what you have been through. With the information about what is happening around you in the present, it can also offer insights 0n what is actually occurring and why. This information impacts your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Now for the future as I have stated above, in a psychic reading, the future that is seen is in that energetic moment-- correlated with what has occurred with your past and your present. Now once you are read, the energy is already shifted and possibly changing the outcome of the future first revealed. Once you have new knowledge--life changes. In order words --future predictions can never be guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that we are evolving human beings with free will and choices that can be shaped by our thoughts, actions and desires! So why learn about the future? It allows you to see if you continue on this present path what is possibly foreseen. You can change your future by knowing what is going to occur as much as possible with your present choices.. A psychic reading empowers you to be able to choose what you want your future to be, and to know what to heal in your past and right now! Vivian would be honored to assist you in creating your future, understanding your past and bringing light to you now! The tools she uses are varied from angel oracle cards, as well as other oracle decks, crystals, photographs, intuitively connecting with your name and day of birth. Her guides, as always show her what most resonates for your reading-- which is as unique as you are. $80.00 Cdn. for 45 minutes Payment accepted by paypal to [email protected] ($84.00) or e-transfer to [email protected] ($80.00)
A mediumship reading This is a pivotal opportunity of coming together with your loved ones that are in spirit. This allows a continuing connection to develop and heal what needs to healed. With the Mediumship readings, the information that comes through allows one to feel that connection and through that connection, reassures us that our loved ones are okay. This connection as well, allows us to continue living on this world with passion and purpose as our loved ones would want us to. Leaving this world is not an ending but a returning home!! I would be honored to be that bridge, that connection to your loved one in spirit. Allowing you to know their presence and hear their message. These can be done via phone, email, and skype. There are no limits with Spirit! $100.00 Cdn. for 60 minutes Payment accepted by paypal to [email protected] ($104.00) or e-transfer to [email protected] ($100.00 an hour)
Spiritual Healing/Reading In this session, my guides and angels connect and relate to me what needs to be said, and done for your healing. and your highest good. This is allowing the guidance of the angels and guides to have an active role and what is relayed in a message and/or achieved as an energetic/spiritual healing! This is opening up to all possibilities!!! This can be done via distance during a phone session or skype. One on one appointments are also available. $100.00 Cdn. for 60 minutes Payment accepted by paypal to [email protected] ($104.00 an hour) . or e-transfer to [email protected] ($100.00 an hour)
Soul Retrieval: Do you often feel that no matter what you do you feel there's something missing. Something you just don't get. Feeling out of the loop, not feeling connected and keep wondering what is missing in your life. That all the healing you have done has been helpful but always looking for the next thing,! Very often , feeling this way is our inner knowing trying to express to us that, yes, we have something missing. Often with past trauma and loss, at that time we lose pieces of ourselves and without reclaiming those pieces of our soul we go on feeling, thinking, knowing that we are not whole. Retrieving these pieces of your soul are fundamental to feel whole and complete in this lifetime. When we are more complete we are able to continue and enjoy life, to be "Me" again. To feel whole and happy. To love life again and prosper and find that inner passion. In a soul retrieval we go back to where we need to go and reclaim the parts of ourselves that have been lost. We welcome home all of you--being whole again. These sessions can be done distance as well. Whether on the phone, via skype or in person as well. There are no limitations working with spirit. These appointments can last 1 to one and a half hours. Email or contact me for more information! Cost is $150.00 Cdn. an hour. Payments accepted by paypal to [email protected] (154.00) or etransfer to [email protected] (150.00)